Table of Contents

Fedora GNU/Linux Workstation

Torrent Server for the Fedora Project. RussianFedora/FAQ.pdf.

sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm -y #
sudo dnf update -y && sudo dnf install ffmpeg-free gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld -y #

Multimedia: Hardware Accelerated Codec. Какие драйверы необходимы для работы аппаратного ускорения декодирования мультимедиа?

sudo dnf install davfs2 -y \
    && sudo dnf install android-tools aspell-ru beep cmus cockpit exfat-utils ffmpeg-free figlet gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld gvfs gvfs-smb hunspell-ru hyphen-ru innoextract inxi libreoffice-langpack-ru mythes-ru ocrmypdf p7zip p7zip-plugins python-mutagen sg3_utils sshfs -y \
    && sudo systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket \
    && sudo dnf install chromium cpu-x gnome-disk-utility gnome-tweak-tool gpart gsmartcontrol lshw-gui mc mozilla-ublock-origin mozplugger rpi-imager simple-scan tigervnc vcmi xournalpp xsensors -y \
    && sudo dnf install aisleriot gnome-chess midori minigalaxy mupdf pdfarranger -y \
    && sudo dnf install avidemux deluge evince filezilla foliate gimagereader-gtk gimp gnome-mahjongg goldendict gthumb inkscape nfoview telegram-desktop tesseract-langpack-rus vlc -y \
    && sudo dnf copr enable karlisk/ventoy -y && sudo dnf copr enable nalika/gzdoom -y && sudo dnf install gzdoom ventoy -y \
    && sudo dnf install xonotic -y \
    && echo \
    && sudo reboot now
clear && uname -a && sudo lshw -C processor -C system -C memory -C video -C disk -short #
clear && inxi -b
flatpak uninstall --unused #Удаление неиспользуемых зависимостей Флэтпак

inxi is a full featured CLI system information tool, AnyDesk RPM repository how-to. WoeUSB-ng.


Все игры. GZDoom: Classic first-person-shooter engine for all classical Id games.


Terminal emulator, bash.

DSL Connection: nm-connection-editor

Установка и настройка операционных систем

Ubuntu GNOME; Debian -- The Universal Operating System; Fedora GNU/Linux Workstation, Fedora GNU/Linux — краткое руководство пользователя; Brewing macOS; Microsoft Windows.