====== Make large character ASCII banners out of ordinary text ====== [[https://packages.debian.org/stable/figlet|Debian -- Details of package figlet in bookworm]]. FIGlet (Frank, Ian & Glenn's Letters) is a program that creates large characters out of ordinary screen characters. It can create characters in many different styles and can kern and "smush" these characters together in various ways. FIGlet output is generally reminiscent of the sort of "signatures" many people like to put at the end of e-mail, Usenet and MOTD messages. sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get install figlet -y # https://dragonserw.ru/wiki:debian sudo dnf install figlet -y # https://dragonserw.ru/wiki:fedora ===== Мой .nfo-файл ===== [dragonserw@fedora ~]$ figlet DragonSerW | tee -a ./DragonSerW.nfo ____ ____ __ __ | _ \ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __ / ___| ___ _ _\ \ / / | | | | '__/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \| '_ \\___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ /\ / / | |_| | | | (_| | (_| | (_) | | | |___) | __/ | \ V V / |____/|_| \__,_|\__, |\___/|_| |_|____/ \___|_| \_/\_/ |___/ [dragonserw@fedora ~]$ {{ :wiki:dragonserw.pdf |}}